Everything You Have to Know Before an Acne Treatment


Even though a good salicylic acid face wash or a clarifying toner may work wonders on acne-prone skin, yet many times nothing seems to work on these stubborn breakouts. In such scenarios, an acne treatment may seem like the best option. Yet, it would be best if you remember some essential things before discussing hormonal, topical, and prescription treatments with your dermatologist.

Sun sensitivity, skin changes, and dryness are significant factors that need to be considered before acne treatment. One should bring concerns before the dermatologist before beginning the acne treatment of your choice.

Learn more about skin and acne treatments in the following points.

Stay Open to All Suggestions

Except you have a medical reason for not using a specific treatment category, it is wise to stay open to every form of acne treatment suggested by the dermatologist. One of the best approaches to treating acne is a multi-prolonged one. Doctors suggest that it may include antibiotics, hormonal treatment, or topical treatments.

Your Skin Will Change

There are chances that acne products can make your skin more sensitive. Therefore, it is better to stick to the products recommended by your dermatologist, which will improve your treatment. Such products may include moisturizers, exfoliators, sunscreen, and makeup.

Do Not Go for Med Spa Treatments without Asking Your Dermatologist

The add-on treatments such as microdermabrasion and peels can help a few kinds of acne. It would be best to discuss this in advance with the dermatologist before taking any steps. It is not recommended that a med spa advise your acne without doing a thorough evaluation by a physician.

It May Require Some Attempts to Find the Ideal Accommodation for Your Skin

It needs to be understood that there is no one-solution-to-all approach when it comes to treating acne. Since acne can come out in various forms and occur for multiple reasons, it may require some attempts to find the right combination for your acne treatment.

Stay Honest Regarding Your Lifestyle

Acne treatment does not impact unless it is done continuously. In case you find it hard to swallow a pill or do not like putting things on your skin, make sure to inform your dermatologist at the beginning of the treatment. One should tell the dermatologist so that he/she can tailor the treatment according to your benefits.

Few Medications Increase Sun Sensitivity

It is indeed true that some medications of acne treatments like oral antibiotics and topical retinoids increase sun sensitivity. In such scenarios, dermatologists generally advise increasing sun protection to stay safe from skin irritation and sunburns.

Finally, it needs to be understood that treatments take time to work. One should expect that it will take six to eight weeks for an acne treatment to start working. You might identify skin dryness or sometimes redness in this six to eight weeks’ duration. However, you will not find any significant improvement in this period.